Light of the World Retreat
for Christ-following college students
June 30-July 2, 2023
A Roadmap to Healthy Discipleship
Divisions are everywhere. Reasons to divide are only as far away as a perusal of social media. But the body of Christ gets to be different. In fact, in what might be called the manifesto of the Christian church Paul writes, "...So that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:12-13).
Unity and maturity. The two marks of a "built up" church. How do we as the church get there? Through presentation, discussion, and solitude we'll build the habits and rhythms that begin a journey of healthy discipleship. Join us for three days at Camp Croix as Jenni Schubring and Ben Workentine equip and empower you to build up the body of Christ.
Cost of registration is $75
Includes all meals, materials, and accommodations.
additional info below
Meet this year’s speakers
Pastor Ben Workentine
Pastor Ben has been a part of the St. Mark Ministries team since 2018. He previously worked outside Boise, ID, planting a multi-site church campus, and holds his Masters in Divinity degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Before Seminary, Ben spent two years living in a rural province of China. There he taught English lessons and met with individuals and small groups to talk about Jesus. At one point, his Bible study was half Muslims, half atheists and zero Christians!
He is currently the campus pastor for St. Mark's Green Bay site, oversees all of the formal spiritual growth (discipleship pastor) at St. Mark, and works with the online campus.
When not at church, you’ll find Ben tinkering in his shop working on some DIY project or cooking up some new recipe in the kitchen. He loves time with his beautiful bride, Kim, and being a father to his sons, Ezekiel, Maverick, and Everett. As a family, they are always up for an adventure.
Jenni Schubring
Jenni Schubring is the owner of Embrace Your Story Coaching and a Certified Gallup Strength Coach. Jenni wants everyone to experience the freedom and empowerment that comes with knowing who they are in Christ.
Along with her 1:1 clients, she works with teams, speaks at conferences, and facilitates Transformational Discipleship at St Mark Ministries. Jenni helps people understand their strengths, identify their values, and dig into their story so they can embrace the beauty God created in themselves.
Jenni has been married to her best friend for 23 years and is mom to 4 not so little kids.

Thursday Evening (Arrival Day)
7-9 pm - Arrival, dinner as you arrive.
9 pm - Devotion & Weekend Overview
9:30 pm - Bonfire & Worship
Friday (Full Day #1)
8 am - Breakfast
8:30 am - Morning Devotion
8:45 am - Keynote Session #1 - Redefine Being a Disciple
11 am - Down Time - Reflection
Noon - Lunch
12:30 pm - Keynote Session #2 - Recognizing What Undermines Discipleship
3 pm - Activity/Free Time
5 pm - Dinner
5:45 pm - Group activity / Fellowship
7:30 pm - Campfire / Outdoor worship / Devotion
Saturday (Full Day #2)
8 am - Breakfast
8:30 am - Morning Devotion
8:45 am - Keynote Session #3 - Self-Assessment and Reflection
11 am - Down Time - Reflection
Noon - Lunch
12:30 pm - Keynote Session #4 - Creating and Sustaining a Process of Transformation
3 pm - Activity/Free Time
5 pm - Dinner
5:45 pm - Group activity / Fellowship
7:30 pm - Campfire / Outdoor worship / Devotion
Sunday (Departure Day)
8 am - Breakfast
8:30 am - Worship & Closing Devotion
10 am - Clean-up & Departure -
Supported by WELS churches, surrounded by 160 acres of forest, and boasting 2,100 feet of lakeshore along Lake Rooney, Camp Croix hosts four weeks of youth Bible camp, plus family camp, retreats, conferences, and other events throughout the year.
Sleeping accommodations include the lodge and four-bunk cabins. There are also camp sites for tent camping with water and electric service at each site. Plan to bring your own bedding.