Youth Bible Camp

(Grades 4-9)

Registration for our 2025 season opens on Jan 2nd at 6am!

Youth Bible Camp is one of Camp Croix’s longest standing ministries. It is a great opportunity for youth entering 4th-9th grade to enjoy a week filled with camp activities while growing their faith in their Lord surrounded by friends and Christian role models. Most of our campers come back year after year and make friendships that last long after the week of camp is over.  Many campers, when they become old enough, move on to be counselors for Camp Croix!

We are scheduled to have five one-week sessions for Bible Camp beginning the end of June and running through early August. We highly encourage you to register early, because the sessions fill up quickly! If you have questions about the Bible Camp, feel free to e-mail us at

Registration for 2025 summer camps will open Jan 2nd at 6am!

Youth Bible Camp Overview

Camp Croix offers a fun-filled and safe way to spend time with 100 other campers exploring, learning, and having fun in the North Woods on Lake Rooney. Camp facilities include 35 four-person cabins, shower house, lodge, craft cabin, camp store, boat house, summer kitchen, nurse’s station, pole shed, athletic areas, an open rec area in the center of the compound for activities, 100’s of feet of lake-shore, and over a mile of nature trails.

Camp runs from Sunday to Saturday with Bible studies and activities centered around a unique theme each year. We divide our campers into “squads”, groups of 10 with mixed age and gender to encourage teamwork and meeting new people. Each squad will have at least two counselors to help the campers grow emotionally, physically, and spiritually throughout the week. While campers may choose their cabin mates, they are arranged into squads with campers other than their cabin mates to help develop new relationships and skills. While most activities are done with their squads, campers will have plenty of free time to spend with their cabin mates as well. Our older campers mentor the younger, and the younger campers look up to the older for help and guidance.  There is some friendly competition between the squads during the week to encourage teamwork, as well as activities that unite the whole camp.  At Camp Croix, we leave our electronics at home, so everyone can unplug and enjoy face-to-face relationships without screen time.

Staff includes a Pastor as Bible Leader, Camp Director, Boy’s Dean, Girl’s Dean, 20-30 counselors, medical staff, cooks, lifeguards, a photographer, and a maintenance team. We also have additional adult volunteers to lead and oversee many of our activities.

Through our ministry it is our desire to connect all of our campers to the love God has for them.  We also teach many life skills that they are unaware they are learning such as building relationships, learning how to care for the things the Lord gives us, and self-confidence so they can become independent and make good choices.

Session Dates

Early Session : June 22-28, 2025

Session 1 : July 13-19, 2025

Session 2 : July 20-26, 2025

Session 3 : July 27-Aug 2, 2025

Session 4  : Aug 3-9, 2025

Drop off time for each week is between 1-3pm on Sunday. Pickup is at 11am the following Saturday. A brief closing service begins at 11am, and the children will be dismissed at 11:30am. 

Cost of registration is $375

$100 dollar deposit required for registration. If deposit is not received by April 1st, your registration may be forfeit.

Remaining balance due June 1st.

More info can be found here!

Youth Bible Camp FAQs


So you’ve registered your child for Bible Camp, what’s next?! Camp can fill up really fast, so if you know your child has friends who are either thinking or planning on attending camp, please encourage them to register as soon as possible!

If you didn’t pay the deposit online via credit card, please mail your check soon using the instructions you received in your registration confirmation email. The deposit ensures the spot is held for your child. If you do not receive a confirmation email, let us know right away at

An Average Day at Camp Croix

Our day runs from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM and is jam packed with fun activities and some free time. Your child receives three meals and two snacks a day, Monday thru Friday, and one meal on Sunday and Saturday.  We have great cooks!

We begin with wake up and a devotion at the flagpole. Then it is off to breakfast with cabin tidying afterwards.  Our mornings consist of four activity hours, which contain things like Bible exploration, dance, fishing, craft, canoeing, archery, nature experiences, service opportunities, teamwork, and leadership activities.   

Lunch comes next followed by rest time, a great time to play cards, talk, write home, or nap in their cabins. This is followed by 2-3 periods with physical activities of different sports, games and challenges. After a snack break, we head to the lake for a couple hours of swim time, softball, volleyball and more.  They are free to choose one of these or just hang out on the beach.

We wash up for supper and free time until the big night activity.  All 100 campers are engaged in the same activity from camp Olympics to scavenger hunts to Beach party and other fun things!

Evening snack break comes next followed by a campfire which includes a fun devotional skit led by the counselors. After a discussion about the lessons learned from the skit, we sing around the fire. Singing around the campfire is the highlight of the day for many of the campers. We sing fun, active songs and spiritual songs led by guitarists and vocal leaders. We close our time at the fire with thoughts from the day, asking God to bless our night.

After getting ready for bed we have circle time. This is a special quiet time to dig deeper into what they learned that day from God’s Word and strengthen relationships through thought-filled conversation and prayer.

Finally, it’s lights out and we do it all again the next day!

We pray your child(ren) will have the wonderful experience of Youth Bible Camp at Camp Croix! If you have any questions or concerns about Youth Bible Camp, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at