Overnight Field Trips
(Grades 5&6 or 7&8)
Camp Croix is excited to start offering a new program in the spring and fall. Bring your class for an overnight stay and enjoy God’s creation in Danbury, WI.
Our staff provides team building group games, stargazing, science experiments, a nature walk on our hiking trails, and two devotions.
Students bring bedding, toiletries, and towels, and your school provides the meals and paper products.
We have a fully stocked kitchen plus easy meal ideas for your convenience. Chaperones (1:6) are required.
Sample Schedule
(we can adjust for your class)
· 3-5 Arrival, Settle in
· 5:00 Supper - Ground Rule Meeting
· 6:00 Low Ropes/ Team Building
· 7:00 Fire Safety/ Fire Building
· 7:30 Campfire, Singing, Smores, Devotion
· 9:00 Stargazing
· 10:00 Bedtime
· 8:00 Breakfast and Devotion
· 9:00 Science Time
· 10:00 Nature Walk
· 12:00 Lunch
· 12:30 Pack Up/Clean Up
Our Accommodations
35 Bunk Cabins (each cabin sleeps 4)
Lodge Bedrooms for chaperones
Shower house
Use of kitchen and lodge building
The cost is $15 per student
Potential Dates: May 1st – May 31st
or Sep 1st – Oct 31st
Great as a team building back-to-school kick off, or end of the year trip!
For more info and to register, Email tj.holderbecker@campcroix.org or call 715-575-1266